As research has been done, oral legends have been replaced with fact. In the case of the holly tree
it was quite by accident we found probably the true story of the holly tree. You will find that story on the Holly Tree
page in 2000.
As we researched deed records in the Anderson County Courthouse in preparation for the historical marker,
we replaced another oral legend with facts. The story had been told that Joel Parish Kelley donated the land for the
cemetery at the Baptist Church when it was organized.
Research disclosed the following:
"Sept. 17, 1901 William Jacson Fitzgerald gave two acres of land to Concord Baptist Church. Not only
do these two acres contain the oldest part of the cemetery but it is probably where the first church building was located.
Nov. 29, 1901 C. D. Kelly and wife, R.M. Kelly, gave approximately .65 acres of land to the Concord Baptist
Church which joined to the west that given by W. J. Fitzgerald
Nov. 27, 1901 C. A. Fitzgerald and wife, M. C. Fitzgerald, gave to Concord Baptist Church a track
of land containing .45 acres which joined to the north that given by W. J. Fitzgerald.
Dec. 30, 1901 W. H. Gaston & Mrs. L. A. Jemison deeded to the church a parcel of land containing 2.48
acres of land which joined the northwest corner of the track given by W. J. Fitzgerald.
Oct. 26, 1988 William C. Pannell, deeded to the Concord Cemetery Assoication a track of land containing
more or less 1.65 acres which joined on the east that given by W. J. Fitzgerald.
These tracts constitute the property of the present church and cemetery."
This information taken from book "Blest Be The Tie That Binds" A History of Concord Community, Church and Cemetery.
The book contains deed records and time line for the properties dating back to 1850.