A History of Concord Community, Church and Cemetery

2001- When the families came

1871 - Concord Baptist Church organized
Pictures From The Past
Early History
1971= 100 Golden Years
1972 - 1985
1986 - Texas Sesquicentennial
1987 - 1996
1997 Historical Facts & Markers
1997 The descendants gathered
1997 Lunch time
1997 Dedication of Historical Marker
1998 -Gospel Singing
1999 - Gospel Singing & Sharing of Memories
2000 The Holly Tree-State Champion
2001- When the families came
2002- The Lightfoot Family
The Cemetery
Cemetery Listings -updated Oct. 2005
2003- Concord Baptist Church
2004- The Kelley Family
2005- The Ward Family
2006- The Clyde Warren "Jack" Fitzgerald Family
Who Am I??
Please read

Program presented on Sat. night by  Elda Parrish
Sunday Morning message         Lowell Schochler

1846         William Adkins & Joicy Hanks Fitzgerald Fitzgerald
1850-51    The Billy "Coup" Fitzgerald Family
1856          The Gaines Family
1859          The Hathcock Family
1867          The Hardin Family
1869          The Funderburk - Lunsford - & Kelley Families

The homecoming program has for many years been a Saturday night family program.  On Sunday morning someone usually from that family would bring the morning message and then a basket lunch would be spread for all to enjoy.
As so many have gotten older it is hard for them to be out late at night and then to come back on Sunday.  Many of our local people have obligations in their own churches on Sunday or if they have come from out of town they want to return home on Sunday morning.
The Board made a recommendation that we try having a program all day on Sat. and no longer have a Sunday program.  This was changed for the 2002 year and seems to be working better.